Ethan's cool new "like bike" from papa. There are no peddles on this bike.The idea is to teach balance without the confusion of peddling aka Fred Flinstone style. We ride all wound town with this bike, and he getting to be a pro. It is one of his first of many tastes of Independence.
1. Thomas and friends and all of his beloved accseories.
2. Chocolate ANYTHING
3. its nobodies business.
4. the GYM!!!!!
5. Water canyon thomas from aunt sher and uncle shaun.
6. Target....which leads to Thomas browsing
7. sugar cereal...not going to happen anymore if i can help it.
8. He would rather be inside.
9. telling on Henry all the time.
10. kim possible......??????? crazy i know.
Henry's favorite things at the moment
1. MAGA!
2. eating always. hope he doesnt grow out of this like Ethan has
3. playing in the car...a lot
4. the gym
5. Rolling his eyes.
6. being outdoors.
7. anything and everything Ethan does.
8. sleeping long and hard.
9. his pacifier and talking a lot.
10. running away while in public
1 comment:
Hey Jennifer-
Are you back in Chicago for good? Your boys are simply adorable..looks like you are always having a good time!
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